A Message from Lia Tarachansky, Morris Winchevsky School Education Director
The fall semester at the Morris Winchevsky Shule finished with a bang on December 15, 2019 with our annual Chanukah Party! This year the B’nai Mitzvah class again put on a fabulous rendition of the shpiel (play) Judith and the Salty Cheese, directed by their teacher, Lainie Basman. The celebration was also marked with a beautiful candle-lighting dedication, with the students dedicating each candle to our principles of solidarity and social justice.
Last year our students also worked with theatre trainer, Shayle Kilroy, as part of the Performance Chug (club) in preparation for a fabulous Purim Spiel, so stay tuned for further thespian updates!
In the year ahead we look forward to new experiential projects as part of our ever-growing curriculum and expanding our Chugim (clubs) with some fabulous creative projects, including creating dioramas, filmmaking, podcasting, cooking, and music. Shule resumes on Sunday, January 12, 2020!
If you are interested in registering for the Winter/ Spring term, contact educationdirector@ winchevskycentre.org or call 416-789-5502.
Kinder Kapers, our bi-weekly program for children between 2-5 years of age always welcomes drop-ins. The drop-in rate is $20 and includes snack time (challah, cheese, cucumbers, fruit, and juice).
Please save the date for our Purim Party: March 8 from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
And don't forget to check us out on social media: Facebook: www.facebook.com/morriswinchevskyschool Twitter: @WinchevskyCtr Instagram: www.instagram.com/winchevsky_centre