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Last Updated: Aug 22, 2022
COVID-19 Safety Plan*

*Please note that our protocols may change in response to public health developments related to COVID-19


The Morris Winchevsky School is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for our students, staff, families, and our greater community. We have therefore taken the time to develop this safety protocol, hoping to minimize the risks of our physical return to our location at 918 Bathurst St. in Toronto.  Our COVID-19 Safety Plan follows the provincial, federal, and Toronto District School Board regulations, and errs on the side of caution wherever possible. For general updates regarding the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada, please visit the designated federal website.


According to these, our shule falls well within the allowed capacity for both indoor and outdoor community gatherings. Our teachers have been trained on how to reduce surface- and community-transmission, and wear personal protective equipment while on-site and all students are strongly encouraged keep their masks on the entire time they are indoors. 


In-Person Learning

All students are strongly encouraged to wear face masks properly for the entire duration of the school day, taking them off only to eat snack at a distance of at least 2 meters from other students and preferably facing away. Whenever the weather permits, classes may be held outdoors at St. Alban's Square’s (the Parkette on Barton St.), located within a 5 min walk of 918 Bathurst.


We continue ​to ask families to screen ahead of the Shule day and make sure students remain at home if they have any symptoms related to COVID or other illness. 


Upon arrival and before departure, each student will be greeted by a staff person, ensuring that they disinfect their hands and that their mask is being worn properly (covering their mouth and nose).

Parents who attend shule with their children for the Kinder Kapers class can enter 918 Bathurst and are asked, like all students, to remain in their classroom for the entire duration of the school day (with the exception of washroom breaks). See KK Schedule here.


We ask that all other parents drop off and pick up their children outside the building. If a parent needs to enter the building they must first contact the Education Director. 

The 918 Bathurst St. building will be ​sanitized​, including railings, chairs, tables, and bathrooms. We ask that no more than 2 people be present in the bathroom at a given time. All students will wash their hands before eating their snacks. Parents are asked to ​screen​ their children each morning before Shule using the Ontario ​Self-Assessment form​ or the questionnaire below.

Screen Shot 2022-01-20 at 6.31.28 PM.png
If you or your child have answered ​yes​ to any of these questions,
please stay home and get a COVID-19 test as soon as possible.
Personal Belongings & Toys

We ask that all students hang their coats and other personal belongings on the ​hooks​ below the stairs at 918 Bathurst St. This coatroom offers enough space for all the students’ belongings and reduces the risk of surface transmission of the virus.

School supplies will be disinfected and divided into ​personal kits​, with each student getting their own scissors, glue, pencils, etc. After use, these will be disinfected by Shule staff and stored on-site for the following week. Any supplies or toys that cannot be disinfected between shule weeks will not be used. We ask that families refrain from adding supplies to the personal kits. In the event that a family wishes to bring any items from home, we ask that the Education Director and Teacher be notified in advance and a disinfecting plan be developed for these items.

Process for Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

If a student has had contact with a COVID-19 positive person, has fever or any other COVID-19 symptoms, they must stay home and the Education Director be contacted.  If a student is tested and confirmed to be positive for the COVID-19 virus, their parents will be contacted by an investigator from the Toronto Public Health office and they must notify them that the student attends the Morris Winchevsky Shule and share the Shule's contact information with the investigator.


The Education Director will then inform all the students in that class who will be asked to self-isolate for 14 days. If two or more students or if the Educator test positive for COVID, the entire class will move to remote learning. The remainder of the Shule's classes will self-monitor, continue to attend shule regularly, and get tested for COVID-19 if any symptoms manifest.

If a student develops symptoms during the Shule day, they will be isolated on-site and their parents contacted to pick them up. The student's class will then also be sent home and when/if a positive COVID-19 status is confirmed, the above-mentioned procedures will be followed.

Staff will not share personal information, including the name of the individual whose status was confirmed but will contact Toronto Public Health (TPH) for contact tracing purposes. If you have any questions regarding COVID-19, procedures, or regulations, please contact the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline below.


Toronto Public Health Hotline

8:30 a.m. – 8 p.m.

Call if you have questions about COVID-19. Translation is available in multiple languages.

Telephone: 416-338-7600

TTY: 416-392-0658



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Our Comment on Rising Antisemitism and anti-Palestinian Racism


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