
The Morris Winchevsky School is a registered charity (Charitable Number: 13215 2851 RR0001). Charitable receipts will be issued for all donations.

Honour someone special in your life… and leave a lasting legacy!

As we are a not-for-profit organization, and because we try to keep our events accessible to all, we rely in part on donations to help sustain our community programs and services. Your donation helps support the Morris Winchevsky School, Camp Naivelt, our secular Jewish holiday celebrations and our social justice work.

Honour someone special in your life… and leave a lasting legacy!
There are many ways to honour the people you love. Make a donation in celebration of a birthday, b’nai mitzvah, wedding, anniversary or other special occasion. Make a donation in memory of a loved one.

Your thoughtfulness will be acknowledged with a personal card and a tax receipt will be issued to you.

Contribute to our annual campaigns

We do two annual fundraising campaigns — At Rosh Hashonah and Yom Kippur, the Gut Yor (Good Year) campaign and at Passover, the “Let All Who Are Hungry Come and Eat” campaign.

How do I make a donation?

Alternatively, call us at 416-789-5502 or mail your cheque, payable to the Morris Winchevsky School to:

Morris Winchevsky School
585 Cranbrooke Avenue
Toronto, ON M6A 2X9

We thank you for your generosity and support!