Hello UJPO Community!
In response to the COVID-19 virus, we are cancelling the Third Seyder, the MWS Shule is currently closed, and we are postponing other events until the crisis passes. The office is closed and we are working remotely.
On a positive note — we are planning a virtual Seyder for Saturday, April 18, to replace the in-person version. More details to follow.
We will continue to be in touch with the community as things unfold and will be updating our website and social media platforms. You can use these to share information and tips.
Please support each other and contain panic. Stay healthy and safe, wash your hands, care for each other, and let’s all stay in touch.
In solidarity and love, United Jewish People’s Order-Toronto
Here are some important links:
City of Toronto Response to COVID-19: www.toronto.ca/covid19
Toronto Public Health: www.toronto.ca/community-people/health-wellness-care Facebook page: www.facebook.com/torontopublichealth
Ontario Public Health: www.publichealthontario.ca Ontario Ministry of Health: www.facebook.com/ONThealth
Canada: www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection/symptoms.html Healthy Canadians: www.facebook.com/HealthyCdns
Facebook group for the GTA, CareMongering-TO: www.facebook.com/groups/TO.Community.Response.COVID19
Photo: Justin Sullivan, Getty Images