In the Name of Humanity: The Secret Deal to End the Holocaust
November 10, 2017
Canadian Holocaust historian Max Wallace reveals the dramatic, untold story of how the Nazis were deceived into ending the Holocaust.
In the Name of Humanity: The Secret Deal to End the Holocaust
November 10, 2017
Canadian Holocaust historian Max Wallace reveals the dramatic, untold story of how the Nazis were deceived into ending the Holocaust.
United Jewish People's Order / Morris Winchevsky School / Camp Naivelt
Secular - Jewish - Social Justice
Last Night of the World
Book Launch with UJPO Member, Joyce Wayne
Wednesday May 2, 2018 — 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
To RSVP or for more information: or 416.789.5502
Hosted by Mosaic Press and the Winchevsky Centre
Last Night of the World is the first Canadian novel about a Canadian woman spy operating on home soil. The story is
based on the experiences of the real life Freda Linton who infiltrated the highest levels of the Canadian government during World War II and was an associate of M.P. Fred Rose. When Freda discovers that top-secret files exposing her entanglement with the Soviet Embassy will be turned over to the RCMP by Igor Gouzenko, she must decide whose side she is on. Should she risk everything to smuggle out nuclear secrets to Moscow or should she attempt to escape?
Joyce will discuss her book in conversation with author and UJPO member, Max Wallace. Join us for wine and cheese and a lively discussion about this topical novel.
6:30 pm: Wine and Cheese Reception
7:00 pm: The conversation
All are welcome.