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***CHANGE OF LOCATION! Now at the Miles Nadal JCC!***

Alt Shabbes_Winchevsky_July 22 2022.png

Admission is free, but please register in advance here:

Join the United Jewish People’s Order at our first in-person Alt Shabbes evening since 2019, with a screening of the documentary, The Jews of India, with Q&A with filmmaker Vanessa Laufer. This colourful film about the Jews of India brings to life a remarkable history dating back two millennia. A microscopic minority living within a vast, varied, and densely populated nation, they co-existed for all those years in an environment of tolerance and pluralism. But a watershed was reached in 1947 with the declaration of Indian independence and in 1948 with the creation of Israel. Many of the Jews of India decided to “leave their home to find their home: their religious loyalty stronger than their national loyalty to India.” The filmmaker, Vanessa Laufer, travels to the cities of the fascinating subcontinent of India where the remaining Jews have made their homes.

Updated Event details:

NEW VENUE: Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre (MNJCC) , 750 Spadina Road (the southwest corner of Bloor and Spadina)

• Secular Shabbes Blessing and Snacks @ 7:30 p.m. (Indoors at the Miles Nadal JCC Theatre)

• Film Screening @ 8:00 p.m. (Indoors at the Miles Nadal JCC Theatre)

Take either LINE 2 Bloor/Danforth or LINE 1 Yonge/University/Spadina line to Spadina Station.


There are various Green P parking options around the venue.

We are asking that all community members coming to our
indoor film screening to be diligent about COVID-19 symptoms
and to be masked indoors.


Our Statement of Solidarity with Palestine and Palestinian People


Our Comment on Rising Antisemitism and anti-Palestinian Racism


The Jewish Heretics Podcast

The Shandes - Songs of Jewish Resistance


Our Statement on Current Events in Palestine/Israel

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