In the Name of Humanity: The Secret Deal to End the Holocaust
November 10, 2017
Canadian Holocaust historian Max Wallace reveals the dramatic, untold story of how the Nazis were deceived into ending the Holocaust.
In the Name of Humanity: The Secret Deal to End the Holocaust
November 10, 2017
Canadian Holocaust historian Max Wallace reveals the dramatic, untold story of how the Nazis were deceived into ending the Holocaust.
United Jewish People's Order / Morris Winchevsky School / Camp Naivelt
Secular - Jewish - Social Justice
Our Community
A family-oriented, secular Jewish summer community glued together with humanistic, pluralistic and social justice values.
An experiential program
for students from Kindergarten to B'Mitzvah, highlighting secular Jewish culture, history and social justice.
A non-partisan, independent, socialist-oriented, secular, cultural and educational organization. UJPO has branches in Toronto and Winnipeg, with members
in other Canadian centres.
Join us:
Come to our events which include holiday celebrations and services, talks, work-shops, discussion forums
and community building.
We are a charitable organization.
Consider making a tax deductible donation.